
‘It’s not your job’: Debate sparked on ‘unbiased’ journalism after news broadcasters cut away from Trump’s election fraud speech

In an unprecedented move, MSNBC, NBC News, CNBC, CBS News, ABC News, and even publicly funded NPR, cut their feed…

4 years ago

Zizek: Covid crisis sparked fear of communism & China’s rise as superpower. But best way to prevent communism is to FOLLOW China

A story picked up by the UK media at the end of September passed almost unnoticed. As The Guardian reported,…

4 years ago

Around the main Christmas tree of the country sparked the dispute

Some believe that it is not necessary to cut a live tree, but others don't agree with themBetween the capital…

6 years ago

Putin “Patriotic” speech sparked a wave of ridicule

The Russian President spoke about the Russian genetic code. Russian President Vladimir Putin amused and angered users of the network,…

7 years ago

In the Network sparked controversy due to new regulations in the Kiev metro

The subway only sell one coin. Discussing innovation in the subway of Kiev, where now only sell one coin.The dispute…

7 years ago

In Kiev sparked a serious fire

On the Eastern outskirts of the capital is burning 4 hectares of grass.In Kiev, the ongoing location of the fire…

7 years ago

In social networks sparked heated debate about the chants of “Glory to Ukraine”

The blogger noted the problem of the Ukrainian society. Well-known Ukrainian blogger Kirill Sazonov told how the café got together…

7 years ago

The actions of the public in the Atlas Weekend 2017 has sparked a fierce debate

SBU was not allowed to Ukraine the soloist of group Andrey Lysikov (Dolphin)The actions of the public in festival Atlas…

7 years ago

In Russia sparked heavy competition for children’s drawings

The drawings were about Ukraine.In Russia erupted scandal over children's drawings against the war in Ukraine, which appeared on the…

7 years ago

In the occupied Sevastopol sparked a major land scandal

Local "officials" accused the owners of violating the "laws".In the Crimea broke the land scandal: Sevastopol forcibly take the land.…

7 years ago