
UK’s conveniently timed boasts about hydrogen solving CO2 crisis at odds with experts’ questions about its green credentials

When Germany’s celebrated Hindenburg lit up over the sky of New Jersey on May 6, 1937, leaving 36 of the…

3 years ago

Solving the wrong problem? San Francisco debuts ultra-pricey trash cans to deter homeless & vandals

Some might address the problem of homelessness by building shelters or launching job programs, but San Francisco’s current approach is…

3 years ago

Funny pictures of people, creatively solving any problems

Has it ever happened that accidentally stepping on a piece of Lego in the night, you want to howl from…

5 years ago

Funny ways of solving problems

Laughter and only: all problems solvedSuch situations occur quite often, and here how others cope with their own forces!

6 years ago

Scientists come close to solving the Bermuda triangle

The cause of the disappearance of planes and ships in the Bermuda triangleAmerican ufologists come close to solving the anomalous…

7 years ago