
In Korea built an extraordinary skyscraper

In Korea they built a skyscraper with the world's fastest ElevatorKorean Lotte World Tower, the design of which influenced the…

7 years ago

The Woolworth building: the oldest skyscraper in the United States. Photo

Now new York can rightly be called the city of skyscrapers. Building the Woolworth building was the tallest skyscraper in…

7 years ago

China has built a railway through residential skyscraper

In the Chinese city of Chongqing train passes through the center of 19-storey residential building.Railway station is located between the…

7 years ago

In Dubai will build a rotating skyscraper

Experts believe that the construction of this building may lay a new trend in architecture.Project 419-foot towers Israeli-Italian architect David…

7 years ago