
Sanatorium “Szachtar”: ceny dostępne dla każdego

Nie ma znaczenia czy wybierasz się do Truskawca tylko po to, aby odpocząć lub też w celu leczenia. Przede wszystkim…

5 years ago

Curiosity of the day: in the sanatorium power shower has deprived Russian of the most valuable

A curious incident occurred in Penza.During the procedure, using the soul of Charcot, known for its tight powerful jets that…

6 years ago

In the Network appeared a photo of a deserted sanatorium in Yalta

Dirt and lack of people. Online published a new photo of the sanatorium "Yasnaya Polyana", located in the Russian-occupied Crimea.Related…

7 years ago

“A horror movie”: the sanatorium in the Crimea shocked users of the Network

In the network shown what Putin has turned a sanatorium in "Krymnashe".The network has shown, in what has become the…

7 years ago