
Russian television reported on the concerts of “Okean Elzy” in Russia

The team, led by Vakarchuk took first place in a fictional rating of the Russian Federation In Russia "the First…

7 years ago

The national Bank reported about the hacker attack on a number of banks

These banks have difficulties with customer service.The national Bank warned banks and other financial sector actors that on Tuesday, some…

7 years ago

Kyivenergo has reported.

"Two hours ago, were forced to shut down all the computers."The computer system of the Metropolitan power company "Kyivenergo" has…

7 years ago

The OSCE in the Donbas reported about the technique near the border with Russia

Separatists of "DPR" did not let observers to the border area.The OSCE mission in Donbas reported about the technique, which…

7 years ago

From the zone ATO has reported good news

Since the beginning of the day none of Ukrainian military was not injured.Since the beginning of the day no one…

7 years ago

The headquarters of the ATO has reported good news from Donbass

During attacks any serviceman of VSU was not injured. In the zone of the antiterrorist operation (ATO) has significantly decreased…

7 years ago

The headquarters of the ATO reported that the situation in the Donbass

Since the beginning of the day illegal armed groups actively resorted to armed provocationsThe operational situation in the area of…

7 years ago

The OSCE reported the detonation of a truck with civilians

Machine with local residents exploded by anti-tank mine.Near the village of Bairak in the area of Gorlovka of Donetsk region…

7 years ago

The former Minister Klimenko reported about suspicion

Message sent to Russia by post.The Prosecutor General's office announced the former Minister of income and fees Alexander Klimenko suspected…

7 years ago

The OSCE reported an increase of victims in the Donbass

With the beginning of the year killed 45 civilians, 216 wounded.As reported by Deputy Chairman of the OSCE SMM Alexander…

7 years ago