
Problems losing weight girls in the funny comics

How it is familiar.To keep fit, you have to constantly go to the small sacrifice: deny yourself any sweets, stay…

5 years ago

Photographer creates funny pictures of your dog

Cute and comical.Theron Humphrey and his dog Maddie - owners of one of the most popular pages on Instagram. The…

5 years ago

Funny things bought on “flea markets”

This exciting experience.Your life is boring and ordinary, and it lacks a touch of madness? Welcome to all kinds of…

6 years ago

Funny situations that could only happen with a lover

Life with a dog adventure.Every owner of a dog will be blue in the face to prove more loyal animal…

6 years ago

Funny Pets, willing to tolerate children’s antics

Oh, these children.If the family has children and Pets, be sure to get a strong friendship.Cats and dogs who live…

6 years ago

Women’s oddities in the collection of funny comics

They are very difficult to understand.Artist Maria Medvedik draws comics about a couple and honestly responds that she shared with…

6 years ago

Funny pictures drivers pereverseva with tuning

It turned out very peculiar.A small selection of masterpieces of Russian and foreign tuning a bit.

6 years ago

Funny pictures taken at the right moment

Here is footage.It seems to us that required some special kind of luck to make the frame in the most…

6 years ago

Funny pictures of people who had a lot of self-irony

Living with her easier.To let go of a good joke to address someone each pupil can. Another thing to flaunt…

6 years ago

Artist funny comics showed how over time changing the relationship

Over time, only better.All the tasks and once started the relationship, a lot shy, and generally behave in each other's…

6 years ago