
The explosion in Nenoksa: radioactive aftertaste

From the published official of an international organization of card movement, the isotopic cloud, it follows that it could pass…

5 years ago

Physicians were deceived about the safety of victims at explosion in Arkhangelsk

Media: the Doctors lied about the safety of victims at explosion in Arkhangelsk region   Physicians regional hospitals on the…

5 years ago

Five employees of “Rosatom” were killed in an explosion at the site near Arkhangelsk

At a military firing range in the Arkhangelsk region there was an explosion during the test of liquid rocket propulsion.…

5 years ago

Anatomy of a rumor: an explosion at the site is associated with the superweapon Putin?

Muscovites were frightened not only of the impending hurricane and the shutdown of the Federal television, but an unsuccessful military…

5 years ago

To Moscow with a diagnosis of “exposure” brought the injured after the explosion at Archangel

Baza in Moscow with a diagnosis of "exposure" brought the injured after the explosion at Archangel In Moscow two planes…

5 years ago

The explosion of the bus with tourists in Egypt, injuring about 15 people

Near Egyptian pyramids at Giza explosion. Next was a bus with tourists, who brought them to the Big national Museum.…

5 years ago

In Russia, residential building explosion has died

Killed 9-year-old girl.Chistoozernaya in the village of Rostov region (Russian Federation) explosion in a residential building, which killed two people.On…

5 years ago

In Russia at a military training ground fire caused an explosion

The soldiers died.On the ground in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia, one serviceman was killed and four were injured in…

5 years ago

In the US, an explosion occurred at the chemical plant there killed

A powerful explosion occurred in the U.S. state of Illinois. The causes of an accident are investigated.The death toll in…

5 years ago

In the United States explosion at a chemical plant.

The bodies of two missing rescuers not foundIn the American city of WAUKEGAN (Illinois) victim of an explosion at a…

5 years ago