
The war in the Donbass: from the mines killed 27 children

As a result of exploding mines in the East of Ukraine, killing 269 civilians, 27 of them children.During the war…

5 years ago

In the Donbass OSCE observers found new weapons to the Russian fighters

The arms are recorded in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk region.It is reported that advanced weapons systems recorded in…

5 years ago

In Kharkiv will say goodbye to the deceased in the Donbass Yana Chervona

Buried her in the cemetery No. 18.As reported in social networks, the ceremony of farewell to the deceased in the…

5 years ago

The gunman surrendered to the Ukrainian law enforcers in the Donbass

The gunman was a resident Bakhmutov Donetsk region. A citizen of Ukraine, who previously fought on the side of the…

5 years ago

In the Donbass liquidated known militants “DNR”

Henadiy Zubenko was entered into the database of the site "Peacemaker".The network showed a photo eliminated in the Donbas fighter…

5 years ago

The Network has published data on deaths of civilians in the Donbass

The conflict in Eastern Ukraine has continued for the 5th year.In the Donbas in February 2019 from mines and other…

5 years ago

In the Donbass today, killing Ukrainian soldier

During the day the enemy two times fired at positions of the units of the United forces.Today in the Donbass…

5 years ago

Lithuania plans to allocate to the needs of Donbass million euros

The money will go to the restoration of the region."Discussed the list of projects that need funding: schools, water supply,…

6 years ago

On the territory of Donbass from Russia moved a convoy of trucks – OSCE

A convoy of trucks entered from Russia in the Donbass in the night, on a dirt road outside the border…

6 years ago

In the Donbass in the fighting were killed, the military

Since the beginning of Friday the separatists four times fired at the Ukrainian positions near Experienced, Novomikhaylovk, Shirokino and Pavlopol.For…

6 years ago