
Named unexpected risk factor for premature death

During the 13 years of the study died of 1200 subjects.Scientists from the University of Michigan has stated that elderly…

5 years ago

Canadian citizen sentenced to death in China

The defendant participated in the sale and manufacture of methamphetamine in especially large sizes.A court in Sanmeng in southern China…

5 years ago

Scientists have developed a test that identifies impending death

The study was performed in older volunteers.Some time experts researchers the behavior of people before death, in order to highlight…

5 years ago

In Kiev man death hit by train

The man cut off the head.In Kiev, near the Central train station, the train cut off the man's head.In Kiev,…

5 years ago

In Kiev, the robbers tortured a businessman to death

The businessman was tortured for hours.In Kiev, a group of two criminals broke into the apartment of a local businessman…

5 years ago

The medical examiner called the real cause of the death of Princess Diana

Workers in the ambulance did not recognize the Princess.Princess Diana died on 31 August 1997 in a road accident. A…

5 years ago

Putin adviser could get a broken neck before death

The report also has information about the training the FBI to launch an investigation in early 2016 his death. The…

5 years ago

High blood pressure in old age may reduce the risk of death

In 2009, when the project began, they were all older than 70 years.German doctors from the University hospital Charite in…

5 years ago

The death of the employee AP: the police called the cause

The official of the presidential Administration, was robbed, and soon died from coronary heart disease.Employee of the presidential administration of…

5 years ago

In the river “Volga” has brought down to death the motorcyclist and crashed into a pole

The driver "Volga" has not suffered."Yesterday, August 15, at about 21:00, in the river there was another fatal accident. Here,…

6 years ago