
Trump says he ‘didn’t really listen’ to Dr. Fauci on Covid-19, blasts him as ‘self-promoter’

“If you saw him throw out the first pitch in Washington, right? He is a better pitcher than he is…

3 years ago

CNN airs Trump CDC chief’s ‘opinion’ that Covid started as WUHAN LAB LEAK, argues he ‘sees & knows things the rest of us don’t’

The interview with Robert Redfield, who served as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under Donald…

3 years ago

Democracy has seen 500,000 US Covid deaths: China hits back as Biden says Xi Jinping ‘doesn’t have a democratic bone in his body’

Speaking on Friday, foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying addressed comments made by the US president in his first solo press…

3 years ago

Calls for Merkel to face vote of no confidence after embarrassing U-turn on Covid-19 Easter lockdown

Members of the Bundestag could soon be asked to vote on whether the chancellor has their support after a number…

3 years ago

Brussels introduces new export authorization mechanism to slow Covid-19 vaccine shipments leaving EU, despite British protests

Speaking on Wednesday, European Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis said the EU and its member states would now evaluate, on…

3 years ago

Hillary Clinton urges Biden to give Covid-19 vaccines to poor nations, complains that Russia and China lead in ‘VACCINE DIPLOMACY’

"This is the kind of leadership that the United States has historically been known for, which frankly, we should be…

3 years ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin receives Covid-19 vaccine as nationwide immunization campaign underway

The president, who has been noticeably cautious when it comes to Covid-19, received the jab in Moscow on Tuesday. Putin is “feeling…

3 years ago

‘Outdated information’ may have skewed efficacy data from AstraZeneca Covid vaccine trial, US govt health institute claims

On Monday, the pharmaceutical giant released promising interim results from its US study, which showed its drug to have 79%…

3 years ago

Germany to impose its harshest Covid-19 lockdown yet for Easter holiday as Merkel asks churches to hold online services only

Noting the country is in a “race” to combat the pandemic, Merkel outlined the nationwide shutdown during a news conference…

3 years ago

World’s 1st ORAL Covid-19 vaccine could soon begin human trials

The trailblazing drug, called Oravax, is being developed by Israeli-American Oramed Pharmaceuticals and India-based Premas Biotech. The two companies have…

3 years ago