
Ukrainian tennis player synchronously failed in China

Ekaterina Bondarenko, Lesia Tsurenko and Kateryna Kozlova has lost the starting matches of the tournament in Tianjin with a prize…

7 years ago

Box office of China (5 – 8 October 2017): Where running “Running…”?

In the US box office "blade Runner 2049" started, though in the first place, but with a fairly low box…

7 years ago

“Cracking” bridge in China is scared to death of the tourist. Video

The bridge is located at a great height.In a network there was an example of very bad marketing move tourists…

7 years ago

In China called 10 foods for the healthiest Breakfast

Breakfast should be hearty, but not to influence negatively on your figure.In the autumn and an overcast morning most people…

7 years ago

Over the past 5 years, China has punished more than a million officials

Most of the criminals were found guilty of corruption.In China over the past five years for corruption punished 1.34 million…

7 years ago

In China, Muslims were forbidden to keep the Koran

The main book of Islam was banned.Chinese police under threat of severe punishment, ordered the Muslims to give up all…

7 years ago

Over China recorded the explosion of a meteorite

There is a possibility that particles of a celestial body after the explosion burned up in the atmosphereOver the County…

7 years ago

Over China exploded a huge meteorite. Video

The explosion was enormous power.Over the territory of China exploded a falling meteorite.A falling meteor exploded over the district Shangri-La…

7 years ago

Maze Alpha X is a flagship smartphone without frames from China

Company Maze, appeared relatively recently on the global mobile market, is working on a new smartphone Alpha X, quite capable…

7 years ago

In China, ostriches staged a “race” on the highway

The owls staged a road show. Escape from farm in China, ostriches decided to probezhatsya on a busy freeway. The…

7 years ago