
China halts business with North Korea

North Korean companies in China should be closed in early January 2018. The authorities of China in accordance with UN…

7 years ago

Poroshenko: the canadian business is ready to come to Ukraine

On 23 September, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko met with canadian entrepreneurs in the framework of the working visit to Canada,…

7 years ago

In Kiev started the annual business meeting of YES

The forum involved experts from 34 countries.In Kiev today starts the 14th Annual meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES)…

7 years ago

Business laptop HP EliteBook 1040 has acquired a new filling

HP has introduced new mobile computer EliteBook 1040 for business customers, is already the fourth generation. Keeping the same design,…

7 years ago

Named the best Ukrainian cities for business

The worst things in the Luhansk region.According to the rating of Sumy showed the best among all the regional centers…

7 years ago

Initiatives trump in the labour market hit the business

What could be worse than deregulation? Believes corporate America, it can be worse only the situation in which the government…

7 years ago

The head of the Ulyanovsk police Yury Varchenko developed the alcohol business

The leadership of the regional Department of internal Affairs of Russia has accused the organization of illegal business of manufacturing…

7 years ago

Vladislav Inozemtsev. The fate of Russian business predefined

The state, represented by Rosneft and the state in the face of "independent" Bashkir arbitration brought suit both sides of…

7 years ago

Putin instructed to check the business less and faster

Vladimir Putin instructed until December 1 to make changes to the law on inspections of business — there should be…

7 years ago

In the winery, the thief made a “business” on the graves of soldiers ATO

Woman stealing flowers from the graves. In Vinnitsa detained a woman who stole flowers from the graves of soldiers of…

7 years ago