
Marine biologists identify new species of ‘Dumbo’ octopus that lives 7,000m below sea level (PHOTOS)

Using almost entirely non-invasive scanning techniques instead of the standard highly invasive and sometimes fatal lab tests and dissections, researchers…

3 years ago

Biologists for the first time implanted the memories into a brain

Scientists have managed to implant information about the structure of the songs directly into the brain of chorister birds. The…

5 years ago

Biologists made an amazing discovery about pigeons

Scientists found out why the pigeons use the noise of the wingsThe pigeons were able to communicate the sound of…

7 years ago

Biologists have discovered a terrible cancers monsters with the power of the tiger

Coconut crabs were bloodthirsty killers.Modern biology is a science based on a rich factual material. However, there are some white…

7 years ago

Bacteria have feelings, too, biologists

Swiss microbiologists found that bacteria have a kind of feeling - the ability to feel touchThe feeling of surface is…

7 years ago

Biologists have learned to freeze and thaw embryos. Video

This will allow you to create new ways of dealing with infertilityAmerican biologists for the first time were able to…

7 years ago

Biologists shocked by the video, filmed in Chernobyl forest

Sergey Gusak showed what the animal looks like in Chernobyl. Sergey Gusak, member of the international radioecology laboratory of Chernobyl…

7 years ago

Biologists have discovered a unique Medusa

The secret of immortality have long been concerned about the minds of mankind.And again, this mystery has troubled scientists from…

7 years ago

Biologists have discovered in hens unexpected abilities

People underestimate the mental abilities of domestic chickens, are sure foreign biologists.Prolonged observation of the behavior of these birds led…

7 years ago