
This alcoholic beverage has a positive effect on memory

Two glasses of champagne a week can improve memory. British scientists have found that drinking two glasses of champagne a…

7 years ago

This popular beverage will protect from cancer

It became known from a disease will be cured 3 cups of coffee a day.Researchers from Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed…

7 years ago

The researchers finally named the most healthy beverage

Experts warn against consumption of energy drinks.Scientists have compiled a list of the most beneficial drink for the human body.According…

7 years ago

The doctors warned about the danger of a popular beverage

The use of milk, many experts believe a healthy habit. However, according to Swedish experts, the love of this drink…

7 years ago

This popular beverage is particularly useful for vision

Green tea helps the body to fight eye diseases. Scientists have named a drink that can protect the eyes from…

7 years ago