
‘F***ing hell, this isn’t a parody account’: UK police backtrack after being mocked for threatening Covid fines over SNOWBALLS

“We were trying (to) highlight that leaving your home to carry out acts of antisocial behaviour could be considered a…

3 years ago

Police officer dies after being injured during US Capitol riots

The officer, identified as Brian D. Sicknick, passed away on Thursday evening, a statement from the Capitol police said. According…

3 years ago

George Galloway: I’m happy my friend Julian isn’t being sent to a US gulag. But this shameful episode is a huge stain on Britain

The global historic figure Julian Assange, the greatest journalist and publisher of our age, will not be extradited to the…

3 years ago

NHS Nightingale hospitals ‘being readied’ to admit patients amid sharp rise in Covid-19 infections across UK

Speaking on Thursday, a spokesman for the National Health Service (NHS) told reporters that rising Covid-19 infections had necessitated the…

3 years ago

LBC radio host goes on ‘LOCKDOWN KILLS’ rant live on air, argues ‘public is being scared into backing another lockdown’

On his LBC show on Monday, Nawaz – better known in the UK as an anti-Islamism activist and counter-extremism adviser…

3 years ago

HUNDREDS of Brits ‘vanish’ from Swiss ski resort after being ordered into quarantine amid new Covid-19 strain scare

Verbier, a Swiss ski resort extremely popular among wealthy British tourists, has suddenly seen about half the Brits who came…

3 years ago

Texas father sues police after being pepper-sprayed & arrested while filming son being stopped by officers (VIDEO)

The bodycam video from back in August begins with the son, Dylan Puente, being arrested, seemingly for “suspicious” behavior in…

3 years ago

It’s just not cricket! – Russia’s sporting ban is being dictated by geopolitics, not justice

There’s a great expression in English: ‘It's just not cricket’. It originated from the days when there was a code…

3 years ago

Australia pays heavy price for being Uncle Sam’s lapdog towards China

China is reportedly planning to scale back imports of Australian coal. This follows similar moves by Beijing to curb trade…

3 years ago

Ben Shapiro branded a ‘SNOB’ for not being impressed with Jill Biden’s doctorate, as Twitter mocks his ‘tantrum’

The conservative commentator addressed the surprise controversy over the future first lady’s degree in the latest episode of his show,…

3 years ago