
Scientists discover new bacterium linked to fatal, mystery chimp disease which could jump to humans

Since 2005, some 56 critically endangered Western chimpanzees have died suddenly at the Tacugama sanctuary in Sierra Leone after abruptly…

3 years ago

Scientists have created a unique bacterium”cyborg”

Bacteria-the"cyborg" increased photosynthesis 40 timesAmerican scientists have developed a bacteria-"cyborg", which is the efficiency of photosynthesis 40 times greater than…

7 years ago

In Yellowstone discovered the bacterium “from another planet”

In Yellowstone, found the microbe "from another planet", according to American biologists. Microorganism have attracted the attention of scientists that…

7 years ago

NASA will send ISS a deadly bacterium

NASA sends to the ISS bacterium that is resistant to all drugsFebruary 18, the U.S. national Directorate of Aeronautics, NASA…

7 years ago