
Funny deer fight amused the Network

Two deer that fought in the American state of Tennessee, got an incredible popularity on the Internet. In the video…

7 years ago

Network amused “drunk” road markings in Russia

"Drunk" markup pretty fun Tyumen motorists.The Network is gaining popularity video, which depicted "drunken" road markings in the Uvat district…

7 years ago

Funny accident with a truck Crimean occupiers amused Network

Military truck turned over. In a network there were curious photos of the accident, in which hit the truck's occupants…

7 years ago

Poklonskaya amused threats to the Russians, watching “Matilda”

Poklonskaya decided to stop "trespassers" from the communion. The so-called "Deputy" of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya, known for his…

7 years ago

At least not in the short: “outfit” parasiuk amused network

MP came into Parliament in sandals.The extra fractional people's Deputy Vladimir Parasyuk on 21 June came to a meeting of…

7 years ago

The Ukrainian border guard was amused by the way the original Declaration of love

The raffle was successful and ended happily – the girl answered "Yes" to the proposal of marriage.Border guards detained two…

7 years ago

The journalist was amused with their version of “correct” oath of the Russian

Alexander Nevzorov has offered his version. Social media users continue to discuss the idea of introducing some kind of oath…

7 years ago

How amused the children in the postwar years. Photo

Street fun English children of the 1950s years.Looking at photos taken in the UK in the 1950s, to some it…

7 years ago

Shopping the thief amused the Network with their ingenuity

Gypsy hid under the skirt of a wheelchair products. Network users laugh store thief who hid products between your legs.Video…

7 years ago

The main propaganda of Putin amused embarrassment

The organizers made an unfortunate mistake. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova spoke to reporters on the…

7 years ago