
Alexander Panayotov said that he wants to go on “the Eurovision 2017” Already that week discussing the candidates for participation in "Eurovision" from Russia. The main candidates for a trip to…

7 years ago

Alexander Vasilyev told someone from the Russian figure skaters need to hire a stylist

Personastars, Starface In his regular column for the magazine "7 days" Alexander Vasilyev decided to dismantle the images of Russian…

7 years ago

Fans of Olga Buzova made fun of Alexander Panayotov after his remarks Netizens have hit on Alexander Panayotov with criticism. The fact is that the singer and the applicant for participation…

7 years ago

Alexander Vasilyev figured out which stars know how to choose the right decorations

Personastars, Starface Alexander Vasilyev is confident that properly chosen decorations can make women a star. However, and celebrities are often…

7 years ago

The ex-wife of football player Alexander Aliyev sought protection from his beatings

Personastars Recently ex-wife the ex-defender of "Locomotive", and now actually unemployed Alexander Tatyana Aliyev again stated that he had raised…

7 years ago