
41-year-old actress Marion Cotillard has become a mother for the second time

EastNews The Oscar-winning actress, French actress Marion Cotillard (Marion Cotillard) again became a mother. In the family Cotillard and actor…

7 years ago

Famous Hollywood actress notably potrollila Ivanka trump

Scarlett Johansson is not the first time opposed to the new President and his family. Famous Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson…

7 years ago

The legendary Ukrainian actress spoke about the war in the Donbass

Ada Rogovtseva shared vision of their mission in difficult times. The legendary Ukrainian actress Ada Rogovtseva called on the society…

7 years ago

Actress drew Barrymore showed the grown the youngest daughter Frankie

Rex Features 42-year-old drew Barrymore (Drew Barrymore) came to a charity event hosted by medical center Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer…

7 years ago

Actress Jennifer garner has again decided not to divorce with Ben Affleck

East News More recently, insiders reported that 44-year-old actress Jennifer garner (Jennifer Garner) still filed for divorce from her husband,…

7 years ago

Daniel Radcliffe married actress Erin Darke after five years of the novel

Rex/Fotodom That actor Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) will soon turn 30 years old, hard to believe. Many people still see…

7 years ago

Actress and goodwill Ambassador UN Anne Hathaway first showed one year old son EastNews On international women's day Anne Hathaway for the first time gave a speech at the UN. The actress,…

7 years ago

Famous Hollywood actress gave birth to a daughter

This is the second child of Natalie Portman and Benjamin, Millie.American actress Natalie Portman gave birth to a daughter, reports…

7 years ago

Fraudsters have issued credits to actress Anna Khilkevich, lost passport The star of "Univer" Anna Khilkevich once again got in trouble. The actress spoke about the incident that happened…

7 years ago

Actress Kristina Asmus touching congratulated Garik Kharlamov happy birthday February 28, resident of Comedy Club Garik Kharlamov turned 36 years old. His wife, actress Kristina Asmus touching congratulated…

7 years ago