On sale begins to flow the second novel in the series “the worst book”, and now it is not a literary experiment and play with the classics, as was the case with the “Fatalist” and clean and pure horror from one of the leading genre authors. This, of course, about Maxim Kabir and his “Skeletons”.
The book is seen in the official Internet-store of the publishing house, and judging by the statistics, it has already managed to buy 13 times. Slowly the “Skeletons” will start to spread on other sites. Real stores in the first place is to search for them in Moscow, later everywhere. If you believe the reviews, the book was powerful, even though the debut. And the first place prize of the “manuscript of the year” who got award.
Break your piggy Bank and run to the shops!
Maxim Kabir is a writer, poet, anarchist. Selfless fan of the genre of horror and mystery. People with stories which are familiar to ALL fans of horror. The novel, which is compared with the work of king, little, Lymon – and often not in favor of foreign masters.
A quiet mining town somewhere in the Russian hinterland. New year’s eve. Measured life of the Outback where everything goes on as usual routine. Periodically people disappear out here, and from door peephole empty apartment you are looking for something that is not supposed to exist. With an ominous creak open the doors of these cabinets, letting freedom of the Horde hidden skeletons. And together with the memory of incredible pain in the world is unspeakably Evil.
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