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Home / INCREDIBLE / Scientists have uncovered the mystery of the destruction of the Aztec civilization

Scientists have uncovered the mystery of the destruction of the Aztec civilization

Ученые раскрыли тайну уничтожения цивилизации ацтековBecame known, from-for what has disappeared of the Aztec civilization.

The disappearance of the civilization to blame for the disease is Salmonella killed 80% of the Aztecs and other Indians.

This is the conclusion of biologists from Germany.

No one knows what the sickness was a really. Her role was nominated for a variety of diseases, starting with smallpox and ending with typhoid fever, and various viral diseases. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

But known paleogenetic Johannes Krause from the Institute for human history in Jena (Germany) and his colleagues studied the remains of people buried in 1540-1550 the years in the two cemeteries in southern Mexico and found that European diseases were involved in the disappearance of the cultures and populations of Indians in the New world.

Recall that the Aztec civilization had disappeared 20 years after the conquest of Mexico by the conquistadors of Hernan Cortes.

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