Categories: fashion

“School Revizorro”: the new host of the show will be determined by the audience

7 June on the channel “Friday!” kicks off “the School Revizorro”. The results of this project will be chosen as the new host of the show, who will replace Elena Fly.

“If our students think they are waiting for a rapid meteoric rise, with minimal effort, they have not yet realized anywhere. “School Revizorro” — not a Spa where every participant is waiting for a difficult test and the real test of strength. The project can be compared with the conveyor of the team of special agents who go through rigorous training and instruction. To the end of training is able to walk far from everything, and to be not just a good agent, but a real James bond at all can be one”, — says Elena herself Flying.

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Publication of Revizorro (@revizorro_tv) May 4 2017 1:56 PDT

Participants of the “School” will be taught by psychologists, coaches, business consultants, representatives of restaurant and hotel activities, as well as Flying itself. To try out the received knowledge in practice, participants have to pass a very difficult test.

Publication of Elena Letuchaya-Anashenkova (@elenapegas) May 26 2017 at 5:30 PDT

Heroes can be support on the channel’s website and social networks. That is audience voting will determine who will be the new host of the show “Revizorro” and the successor to the Helena Flying.

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