Categories: business

Russian media said the number of dead military

The Russian media with the help of tenders for the purchase of flags that cover the coffins of the military, established the approximate number of dead soldiers and officers.

The Russian defense Ministry has announced a tender for the purchase of symbolics of the Russian Federation, including 49 thousand panels of the flag for the decoration of coffins in the amount of 25 million rubles.

All in all, in 2017, the Ministry plans to spend up to 6.3 billion rubles for funeral services: the maintenance of military graves, setting headstones and monuments, according to the with reference to the analysis of the tenders on the Procurement website of the Russian Federation.

According to the tender documents, the successful bidder will have to ensure the delivery of ceremonial flags to 16 June 2017 in four locations. 22.8 thousand panels will have to come to the warehouse in Shchelkovo, 8.2 thousand, in Rostov-on-don, 15.8 thousand in Ekaterinburg, and 2.2 thousand in Khabarovsk.

Except the dead in the present time, the country’s defense Ministry buys funeral flags for deaths from accidents, disease, found the remains of the military of the Second world war.

In this case, according to the website “public Procurement”, the Ministry of defence centrally purchased cloth of the national flag of the Russian Federation for covering the coffins in December 2015. Then the Agency required 60 thousand funeral flags. The purchase was declared invalid.

Thus, according to the defense Ministry, from 2013 to 2015, the Agency annually allocated for expenditure for the Reimbursement of burial costs about 5 billion rubles. In 2016, the amount of burial costs has increased to 5.9 billion rubles. As mentioned above, in the current year it is planned to spend for this purpose to 6.3 billion rubles.

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