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New rules for Russian drivers will come into force on 1 July

Новые правила для российских водителей вступят в силу 1 июля

July 1, 2020, Russia will start to operate some new rules for drivers relating to the examination, registration, tuning cars and import cars with the right wheel, according to Autonews.

Starting next month, is in force more stringent regulations for the importation of RHD vehicles, will become more complex, their operation and registration. Restrictions will apply to vehicles delivered in Russia after July, 1st.

Completely banned the importation of technology with the right wheel of categories M2 and M3: construction machinery, dumpers, passenger buses and minibuses, trucks with manipulators.

During the compulsory medical examination to obtain or renew the rights to some drivers need to pass additional tests to prove that they do not suffer from alcohol or drug dependence. The trials will be conducted, not all but only some by the decision of the doctor-psychiatrist.

Earn new rules for issuing permissions to change the design of the car. According to him, it is necessary to send the car for inspection in the laboratory in case of installation of roof racks, winches or turnbuckles, the translation engine to gas fuel. To obtain the necessary opinion on the photos no longer work.

Previously Professor, Department of psychiatry and narcology of the First MGMU named after I. M. Sechenov Yuri Sivolap told that the test motorists for alcohol in obtaining the rights has no meaning and spends money from the city budget.

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