Larisa Guzeeva was married to restaurateur Igor Bukharov in 1999. The third marriage of the stars gave the impression of a strong Union, but recently during a broadcast of “let’s get married!” the presenter hinted that no longer lives with her husband.
Fans sounded the alarm, and even conducted its own investigation, which found that perhaps Larissa now meets with his old friend Euclid Kyurdzidis. Interestingly, Instagram Guzeeva Euclid appears lately more often than her husband Igor.
It seems that the fans of the actress rushed to conclusions. According to “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, very soon on the First channel starts a new cooking show, “Tilfellet”, which will lead Guzeeva. Expert of the show will perform Igor Bukharov. Larisa assured that her husband is good at all of them.
Larisa with her husband
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