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Home / Incident / In the Donetsk region died mysteriously a baby

In the Donetsk region died mysteriously a baby

На Донетчине загадочно умер младенецThe child was less than two weeks old.

In Bahmut, died neonate, born March 16.

Details of the incident with the in a press-service GU of the National police of Ukraine in Donetsk region. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

On the eve of the police of the Bakhmut received a message from the hostess that she’s died her newborn boy friend.

In place immediately went investigative team Bakhmut police Department.

It turned out that the mother with the baby and their six children, came to visit his friend. Feed the baby one last time at eleven o’clock in the evening, the mother went to sleep.

But approaching the child at about midnight, the woman noticed that the baby’s nose was bleeding, and the child no signs of life.

The investigation is underway.

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