Categories: policy

In Russia, spoke about the possibility of sharing.

The Director may enter the lists for the exchange of prisoners.

Ukrainian political prisoner Oleg Sentsov can get to the lists on the exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine.

This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for security and defense Alexei Kondratiev.

“I think Sentsov can get (in the list on the exchange). The topic of his exchange were raised by the Ukrainian side, his name, as before, topical (exchange)”, – he said.

Kondratyev also believes that Sentsov can be exchanged for the arrested chief editor of “RIA Novosti Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky, which is not in the list of Russians who are ready to exchange Ukraine.

“Now his name was not on the list, announced by the Ukraine, but he can be there at any moment. The trial is still underway and until proven guilty in terrorism and espionage, though all of these allegations, he is unlikely to feature in such lists,” – said Kondratiev.

Recall, 25 August 2016 the Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in a strict regime colony. He was accused in Russia of preparing to commit terrorist acts in Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yalta. May 14, 2018 Sentsov announced an indefinite hunger strike. The only condition for termination is the release of all Ukrainian political prisoners who are on the territory of the Russian Federation.

On may 28, the Federal service of execution of punishments stated that Sentsov has agreed to supportive therapy. This information was confirmed by the Ukrainian lawyer Dmitry Dinze.

May 31, ex-the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak said that he had a conversation video with Sentsov. He looked thin and pale, he lost his first two teeth because of the hunger strike. Doctors who follow the state of health of the political prisoner, warned that after 30 days of fasting, he will start to fill in the nose the nutrient solution.

The Ombudsman of Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova tried several times to meet with Sentsov, however, she refused to even video. Denisov warned of the dangers of fasting. – he almost never gets out of bed. Sentsov refused to ask Putin to pardon.

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