Categories: business

Heavy snowfall and cold snap is expected in Moscow

The thermometer can drop to 0.

To Moscow go ultrapolyarnoe snow and cold. A few days before the beginning of the summer capital region Russia once again is served cold, and noticeable. Under forecasts of weather forecasters, the temperature will be close to zero. But heavy rains can change to wet snow.

Of the coming cataclysm said senior fellow of the center weather “Phobos” Eugene Tiscover. According to him, in the last weekend of may 27 and 28 in Moscow and the region will again descend cold.

“Another diving cyclonic vortex will form ultrapolyarnoe (North-East) invasion of cold in the night on Saturday and Sunday heavy showers in some places can go into the charges of wet snow, and the thermometer will fall to 0…5 °C – and this for three or four days before the beginning of the summer,” warned Tiscover.

According to him, tomorrow, may 21, will be cooler, as Moscow will come the cold atmospheric front. Expected short rains and cold to 10-15 degrees above zero during the day.

In the night from Sunday to Monday, the rain will stop, clouds will be less, at this time will start a very intense cooling. There is frost on the ground in the morning.

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