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Home / policy / Forbes, USA: “Huawei” has just launched in Russia 5G

Forbes, USA: “Huawei” has just launched in Russia 5G

Forbes, США: "Хуавэй" только что запустила в России 5G

What all were, what had happened. In Russia launched the project of implementation developed by the company “Huawei” (Huawei) technologies of cellular networks fifth generation (5G). This is not the first pilot project 5G launched in Moscow, but he is the most noticeable, says Forbes magazine.

Forbes, США: "Хуавэй" только что запустила в России 5G - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

It is based on the agreement signed between Chinese President XI Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF) in 2019. The context of this discussion correspond to the essence of the emerging technological schism between East and West, so the launch of this project has real political significance.

A few weeks ago in Moscow, the Russian mobile operator Tele2 together with the company Ericsson (Ericsson) has launched a pilot zone 5G. And now, as reported in the weekend media, rival mobile operator MTS “has teamed up with Chinese technological giant “Huawei” to create a pilot zone 5G in Moscow, in which a network of ultra-fast mobile communication for the first time will cover almost the entire city.”

During the meeting, XI and Putin in June pilot projects “Huawei” on the creation of the 5G networks was not the only item on the agenda. During the same meeting they raised the question about the possibility of switching smartphones “Huawei” on the Russian operating system “Aurora”, which in more detail was discussed between representatives of the company “Huawei” and the head of the Ministry of digital development, communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation. Last week Reuters reported that “Huawei” is going to install the OS “Aurora” “360 thousands of their tablets to conduct a census of the population of Russia in the next year”. Reuters has called the pilot project “the first stage of the Russian launch of the operating system on devices “Huawei””.

During the same meeting, the leaders touched upon the issue of emerging technological rift between the United States and its allies on the one hand, and China and other countries (including Russia) on the other. The so-called splinternet raises concerns among some intelligence services, as it means a loss of control, and for the major players in the Western technology sector — loss of income. And to these players in the technology market include companies such as Intel (Intel), the “Qualcomm” (Qualcomm), Google (Google) and Microsoft (Microsoft).

It was also suggested that the “Huawei” could start work in some directions of research and development and production, including for the “joint production of microprocessors and software.” That initial pilot project “Aurora”, it seems, is the Russian state program meets the assumptions that behind the scenes cooperation on a deeper level. Everything is interconnected.

Before in June, a meeting of leaders of the two countries, I asked the Moscow government Minister and head of the Department of information technology Edward Lysenko is concerned about his security risk associated with the company “Huawei”. Response Lysenko was unequivocal. “In the Russian Federation, — he said, — there are strict rules of information security that we follow”. Russia and Washington have different ideas about the threat to national security caused by the alleged links “Huawei” with the official Beijing in the transmission of intelligence.

5G network was first tested in Moscow in 2018. “during the world Cup, — said Lysenko. — “The megaphone” [other operator] for the live event (a football match) in VR format using the technology of 5G used equipment “Nokia” (Nokia). But now “the Megaphone” have agreed to develop and implement 5G standards in Russia with the company “Huawei””.

Forbes, США: "Хуавэй" только что запустила в России 5G

Compared with the cooperation with the government of Moscow cooperation between China and Russia is on a somewhat higher level. And it applies to areas such as the escalation of the hybrid war in the world, the spread of influence, control of people’s behavior and the intervention, the ongoing cyber war in the middle East, where both China and Russia see Iran in the great “third party” through which to fight the US and its regional allies.

Given that between XI and Putin signed an agreement, I again questioned Lysenko on the role of the company “Huawei”. I asked him about the talks between Putin and XI. “Since I am not a member of the Russian government, he said, — I can’t be a source of information about the agenda of the leader of the country.”

As for the role of “Huawei”, he told me that “the government of Moscow with the company “Huawei” no agreement signed, the government of Moscow has signed agreements with Telecom operators and does not impose any restrictions on these operators, allowing them to enter into agreements with various suppliers of equipment.” Oddly enough, Lysenko said that the cooperation of Moscow and Beijing, “as in other European countries, provides free market principles, providing equal opportunities for operators and suppliers”.

And in terms of concern about security issues in cooperation with “Huawei” as the installation of equipment of the company its opinion has not changed. “Our security system is designed for all kinds of threats, he said. — Of course, challenges exist at various levels, but we are ready for them. In 2018, we recorded more than 27 thousand of hacker attacks on our computers and now are constantly improving our security system.”

This is the General picture. Appears splinternet. “The fact that China is our technology partner, — said Lysenko — it is clear and predictable enough to build future relations. We are primarily interested in the acceleration of technological progress. Russia has quite strict laws in the field of information technology development, and we have put forward serious safety requirements and required their full implementation. Accordingly, we work only with those who can meet these requirements”.

Moscow understands that it needs invulnerability in technology if other countries withdraw their company. “We don’t know what will tomorrow European company in relations with Russia, — declared Lysenko. In this sense, the story of “Huawei” is significant. You cannot rely on a single country market, need to diversify risks, which makes Russian operators”.

And do Muscovites confidence in the Chinese technology in General and to the technology “Huawei” in particular? “We did not encounter any massive fears of Muscovites about what is written in the American press. No complaints or requests to stop using the technology “Huawei” we have not received”.

In 2019, the deployment of various pilot areas of 5G in Moscow will be based on the results of successful testing of networks during the world Cup the world, explained Lysenko, and “the commercial operation of 5G networks in full should begin in 2020-2022 years.” According to Russian media, networking “Huawei” will also be involved in the “testing information and communication technology “smart city”, designed to enhance safety and improve the management of urban services, as well as for development of transport system”.

But the real significance of all these events goes far beyond downloading HD movies, management of transportation systems or system development services.

© 2019, paradox. All rights reserved.

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