Prestigious nursing school docks students points if they fail to give their ‘preferred pronouns’ in mock examination – media

In an integrated human anatomy class for those looking to graduate UPenn’s nursing program, students must go through a mock…

3 years ago

‘No data, no evidence’: Fauci admits CDC advising against air travel for vaccinated Americans a ‘judgement call’

“What’s the science behind not saying it’s safe for people who have been travel?” CNN’s John Berman asked Fauci…

3 years ago

Mexico alarmed as ‘migrant president’ Biden empowers TRAFFICKERS by encouraging illegal immigration – media

“They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” Mexican President…

3 years ago

‘Shoot the messenger!’ The German attacks on RT are an attempt to shift public attention from the mayhem of Merkel’s sunset months

As Germany prepares for a string of state elections this weekend, with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) sitting on…

3 years ago

Wayne Dupree: The Covid stimulus bill is a socialist scam, and the Dems are trying to turn our nation into a one-party state

My message to America regarding the $1.9 trillion so-called Covid stimulus package passed by the US Senate and now on…

3 years ago

Senate confirms Merrick Garland, once snubbed for Supreme Court, as Biden’s attorney general

Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), who led the effort to ignore President Barack Obama’s nomination of Garland following the…

3 years ago

So much for a Covid baby boom: A big drop in the number of kids being born shows what happens if you scare people about the future

When the UK first went into lockdown in March 2020, the fact that we were all stuck at home most…

3 years ago

False dawn’s truth? Scientists say they’ve finally cracked centuries-old mystery, thanks to the Juno probe

Also known as ‘zodiac light’, the false dawn phenomenon is a band of light that appears just after sunset and…

3 years ago

Britain proudly announces a plan to ‘protect journalists’ – but if it really cared it would free Julian Assange

Continuing to promote itself as the soi-disant global defender of journalistic freedom, the UK Government has just grandly unveiled a…

3 years ago

Biden’s silence on border policy is proof that it isn’t working and America risks being swamped by illegal immigrants

It’s not really a revelation, but the Democratic Party isn’t a fan of strict border control. The influx of people…

3 years ago