Putin names country behind Nord Stream blasts

US intelligence agencies were most likely behind last September’s sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, Russian President Vladimir Putin…

1 year ago

Seymour Hersh evaluates state of journalism

Not a lot of real journalism is currently happening in America or internationally, veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has said…

1 year ago

France slammed for ‘excessive force’ against protests

The French government has used disproportionate force against demonstrators protesting the pension reform, in violation of their freedom of assembly…

1 year ago

US asks Serbs to ‘set aside’ grievances over bombings

In a carefully worded statement to the public on Friday, US ambassador in Belgrade Christopher Hill commented on the 78-day…

1 year ago

Kiev flags hurdle along path to Xi-Zelensky talks

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky may hold negotiations but the preparatory work on these has…

1 year ago

France protests said to be ‘out of control’

French authorities struggled on Thursday to suppress the protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform. Over a million demonstrators took…

1 year ago

US ‘uneasy’ about China’s peace plan for Ukraine – media

There is a “sense of unease” in the White House about the consequences of its dismissal of the Chinese peace…

1 year ago

Russia and China sign long-term nuclear deal

Russia and China are deepening their partnership in nuclear energy and will draw up a roadmap for cooperation in developing…

1 year ago

Cost of Ukraine reconstruction revealed

Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery bill has grown to $411 billion, according to a new assessment conducted jointly by the country’s…

1 year ago

Russia and China ironing out new gas megadeal – deputy PM

Moscow and Beijing are actively working on the implementation of the Power of Siberia 2 energy project, which was among…

1 year ago