
A sociologist, on why mass searches in the headquarters of Navalny attracted a lot of attention

"In Russia, people are alienated from politics, consider it dangerous and immoral business" Thursday, September 12, at the headquarters of…

5 years ago

Does the Communist education?

Another school year has begun. In schools, colleges and universities have sent thousands of students to gnaw granite of "apolitical"…

5 years ago

Archpriest Smirnov said that science is “playing the fool”, adhering to Darwin’s theory

"The theory is absolutely not confirmed" Archpriest Smirnov said that science is "playing the fool", adhering to Darwin's theory The…

5 years ago

Why Zelensky reduces the number of SBU

Social networks are seething with indignation about ignorance of elementary written the new Minister of education of Ukraine Anna Novosad,…

5 years ago

The Navy in the steppes of Mongolia

The only riverine military unit of border troops of Mongolia stationed on the lake Buir Nuur (an area of 610…

5 years ago

Fighting walking robot

We all remember the excitement of the world's media, when at the end of 2015, Syria came the news about…

5 years ago

Russia – in the top three in the number of suicides

Every 40 seconds in the world there is another suicide. In total during the year, the own life is reduced…

5 years ago

These elections broke down the society

The results of the single voting day can be the beginning of change in Russia. It is not excluded that…

5 years ago

The country is suffering pensioners: Latvia prefers NATO health

Three-quarters of Latvia's population consider that the health sector needs additional funding. The result is absolutely natural: the Republic a…

5 years ago

State “business”

(On materials of the bourgeois media) Recently, the newspaper "Vedomosti", using its sources in the government told the details of…

5 years ago