“For the post offered million” Which celebrities supported the amendments and the popular vote. List Russian celebrities record the videos and publish posts in social networks, where the urge to come to a vote on the amendments to the Constitution or directly campaigning to support the amendments. Znak.com made a …
Read More »USA, Seattle: us Lenin and October to come!
In the “Autonomous” zone Seattle demolished all the monuments, all but one.
Read More »In Saratov the teacher told the parents that the amendments are “transformers”
In Saratov the parents of pupils of school No. 5 received in the General chat from the class teacher on the subject of amendments to the Constitution. The text says that against changes of the Constitution are “transformers”, the radical atheists and “information agents”. This is reported by the “Free …
Read More »“Rain”: in Moscow a voice in support of the amendments to the Constitution pay 50 rubles
In Moscow suggest to participate in online voting for amendments in the Constitution with a dummy SIM card, says “Rain”. According to TV channel, for the registration on the website of city hall, the members promise to pay for 75 rubles per vote in support of the amendments — 50 …
Read More »The main nightmare of the Russians and the government
We are waiting for the crackdown, increasing authoritarianism and declining living standards — or the cult of consumption will deploy people to democracy, creating a request for a higher purpose and values? In the mass consciousness there is a fairly clear image of the future, which people are afraid, and …
Read More »As Big Brother looks like on the inside
You’ve certainly laughed at the fact that all schools will be connected to the integrated camera with face recognition under the name “Orwell”. But you are interested about what it looks like Big Brother from the inside. I naprisylali bunch of data and evidence about how across the country for …
Read More »After Mikhalkov about the plans of the gates chipped people, said the head of the HRC
Valery Fadeyev told about it on air of radio station “Moscow Says” The head of the Council on human rights under the President of Russia Valery Fadeev, the radio station “Moscow speaking” has announced plans for an American billionaire and founder of Microsoft bill gates chipped people. In addition, in …
Read More »The Russians in may, almost halved the purchase of new cars
The Russians last month acquired approximately 62 thousand new cars, which was almost twice less than in the same period last year (118 thousand units), estimated by experts of “AUTOSTAT”. In January—may were sold in Russia 492 thousand new passenger cars — 17% less than the year before. “The fall …
Read More »The Democrats of the early 1990s opposed the amendments to the Constitution
Participants in the development of the Declaration on state sovereignty of the RSFSR, Constitution of the Russian Federation, deputies of convocation 1990-1993, public figures, and members of the constitutional club opposed the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The statement of the participants of the conference “30 years …
Read More »Russia was plunged into a spy series
Moscow expels Czech diplomats, the American convicted of spying, a Russian scientist accused of treason — and all this in just one day. In the foreseeable future Russia will not only fail to establish a dialogue with the United States or European Union, but in addition may dramatically worsen relations …
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