photo report

Eye-catching: the luxurious Palace of the President of the most impoverished countries. Photo

Photo gallery of the apartment of ex-President of Zimbabwe - the scale and scope is impressive.In this Palace lived the…

6 years ago

In anticipation of Christmas: the Buckingham Palace has unrecognizably changed. Photo

Get your pre-holiday atmosphere. Many of us wait until the last decorated your house for the holidays, but the staff…

6 years ago

The most unusual churches in the world. Photo

For them to go on a trip. Among the huge number of temples of different religions and faiths have on…

6 years ago

These gadgets can come in handy in every kitchen. Photo

Kitchen gadgets that will make the monotonous process of cooking more fun and simple.Today's market there are countless of various…

6 years ago

Twenty ideas for stylish bathroom. Photo

These bathrooms won't even want to leave. Today on the market there are countless of finishing materials of various shades…

6 years ago

Shocking photos: life in the Chinese slum. Photo

In Chinese, Guangzhou is the provincial slums that will soon be demolished About this place is pretty much known in…

6 years ago

Europe of the 1970s in colorful pictures. Photo

A favorite way of travelling youth. If you are tired of the same type of tours and beach holidays and…

6 years ago

The places with the richest on the planet by nature. Photo

It is worth visiting by everyone. Breathtaking scenery, amazing rock formations, large deserts and majestic glaciers — in all these…

6 years ago

Often confuse even native: incredibly similar celebrity. Photo

They confused everything. They say each of us somewhere in this world there is an identical twin.He is and celebrities.…

6 years ago

Tokelau: how people live from the most remote countries in the world. Photo

The work of a talented photographer. In 2016, the photographer Vlad Sohina managed to get to Tokelau, which every year…

6 years ago