Due to a computer crash cancelled all flights with British Airways

7 years ago

British Airways canceled all flights from 2 airports due to computer crashBritish Airways on Saturday cancelled all flights from Heathrow…

Open up: brad pitt has shared new details of the divorce

7 years ago

EastNews 53-year-old brad pitt went to India in the framework of her promotional tour for his new film "war Machine".…

Natalia Mogilev told about your man

7 years ago

The press has repeatedly appeared information about the fact that the producer Oleg Voronovich - lover Natalia MogilevThe press has…

In the river cops rigidly “tied” intruder. Video

7 years ago

The court denied the offender's driver's license for 3 months.In the river on Sichevskyi Promenade, local police detained and handcuffed…

Accident in Kiev: passenger car knocked down a deer

7 years ago

Fortunately, the passengers of the car were not injured.In Kiev on the Avenue of Stepan Bandera, an accident involving a…

The sensational murder of a man in Kiev appeared fresh details

7 years ago

The athlete, who after a perfect surrendered to the police, announced on suspicion of murder.The court decided to take 2…

First look at the mystery Thriller “Envelope” from the Creator of “Bridesmaid”

7 years ago

In the network appeared the first teaser trailer for the new movie Svyatoslav Podvoiskogo - human, which is associated with…

Crocodile farm – the most terrible in the world attraction. Photo

7 years ago

In Thailand, tourists are offered to visit the attraction with hungry crocodiles.Want to test our strength? Did you miss the…

A well-known manufacturer has released “clone” iPhone 7 Plus

7 years ago

Leagoo M7 copies the iPhone 7 PlusChinese manufacturer Leagoo introduced smartphone Leagoo M7, which is another clone iPhone 7 Plus…

Launched Ukrainian nanosatellite

7 years ago

Nanosatellite PolyITAN-2, created by Ukrainian designers, may 26, was launched into orbit.This was reported in the KPI them. Igor Sikorsky."At…