Famous Ukrainian singer decided on a bold experiment with your looks

7 years ago

Svetlana Tarabarova surprised fans with an acidic hair color.The famous Ukrainian singer, composer and winner of "Song-2014" Svetlana Tarabarova finally…

Rezo Gigineishvili presented a drama about the capture of the Georgian aircraft in 1983

7 years ago

Fotobank / Getty Images Two days ago at the 67th international Berlin film festival Director Rezo Gigineishvili presented his new…

Kiev watched the demolition of large icicles in the city centre

7 years ago

On a block of ice repeatedly complained to the locals. In Kiev on the street of Ivan Franko, the utility…

In kiyevshchina the guy made a bloody stabbing

7 years ago

Armed bully attacked a local resident in the stairwell, and stabbed him in the headIn the White Church, police detained…

Poroshenko spoke by phone with U.S. Secretary of state Tillerson

7 years ago

Poroshenko and Tillerson discussed the latest escalation of the situation in the Donbass.On Friday, February 17, President Petro Poroshenko has…

Hilarious: how to be photographed the boys, if not girls

7 years ago

Bad advice for men. No girls? Well, it happens. But while some guys are totally cool with it, others tearing…

In Kiev investigating the illegal sale of premises Bessarabian market

7 years ago

The property was taken out of state ownership on the basis of forged documents.Kiev local Prosecutor's office No. 6 of…

In Ghana, the morgue workers took the man’s body out of the coffin during the funeral. Video

7 years ago

Despite the protests of others, they pulled the body of the deceased from the grave and took with him.In Ghana,…

The situation in the ATO area worsened: three soldiers killed, ten injured

7 years ago

Of all the military positions fired 66 times.During the day on February 16 in the area of the ATO 66…

Yakutia, the police found the gold bars in the bus

7 years ago

The cost of two ingots found is 3.6 million rubles.Two gold bars weighing about 1.8 pounds discovered by police in…