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Yarosh called a strategic mistake in Ukraine war in Donbass

Ярош назвал стратегическую ошибку Украины в войне на ДонбассеUkraine could win “in the war against Russia” in 2014, said Yarosh.

The introduction of martial law will be relevant in Ukraine until the Donbass war.

This was stated by the MP Dmitry Yarosh.

“In 2014, it was necessary to impose martial law, to prohibit any democracy, any election. To introduce military courts and executions. And we long ago would have won this war. Including the executions and at the forefront,” – said the politician.

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“The imposition of martial law is always true, while there is a war. But it is, first and foremost, it is not necessary oligarchy. That is why it is not accepted.

It is impossible in war to win, not mobilizarea all the resources of the people of the state. Moreover, with the Russian Empire. All know how strong it is. They have more army, more equipment, missiles, aircraft.

If now muster the political will to impose martial law, we will strengthen even the political-diplomatic pressure on the enemy, which is so much to say Supreme commander. The aggressor sees the growth of military forces, understand what the loss incurred in case of expansion of the conflict to large-scale and some local conflicts, punching corridors”, – said Yarosh.

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