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Yanukovych charges of treason brought to trial

Обвинения Януковича в госизмене передали в судThe Prosecutor’s office promised “a transparent process”.

In the trial of Yanukovych, the prosecution will be represented by a Prosecutor of the Chief military Prosecutor’s office Ruslan Kravchenko. He assured that the evidence to prove the guilt of the consequence is enough.

“The accused Yanukovych has committed illegal acts against his own people, against their state. According to the evidence collected, I think as the public Prosecutor that the evidence is sufficient to prove the guilt in court and everything will be done to evidence the submission of all evidence. Will be presented all the witnesses, they will give their testimony, will be presented all the evidence, documents gathered during the implementation of the special preliminary investigation, all the findings of the experts and photo evidence”, – said Kravchenko. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko at the briefing, which was broadcast channel 112 Ukraine”, said the guilt of Viktor Yanukovych in the Commission of treason will be proven in open adversarial, transparent process.

“We do things according to civilized European standards. Guilt is proven in open adversarial, transparent process. We, as the prosecution will work everything to this process that was ended and productive,” – said Lutsenko.

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