Club of Ukrainian Premier League “Dnipro” has suffered the next sanctions for failing to pay old bills.
FIFA has denied Dnipro six points in connection with the failure of the decision to pay the debt to the former club midfielder Danilo Souza.
Official website of the Ukrainian Premier League has confirmed the decision of the governing body of world football. “Dnepr” for the second time in the season fined six points – the team of Dmitry Mikhailichenko dropped to the penultimate place in the standings, automatically having lost even theoretical chances of getting into the top six.
Eyeglass sanctions for Dnipro can only be the beginning of the problems. Earlier, FIFA was given to understand that they are ready to punish the Ukrainian club down in the First League. The club still has not repaid the debt to the agent ex-mentor club Juande Ramos Ginés Carvajal the.
Taking into account the current changes in the tournament table of the championship of Ukraine as follows:
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