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Where does cystitis: symptoms and causes of disease

Откуда берется цистит: симптомы и причины болезниThe symptoms of cystitis make a woman a lot of discomfort.

Cystitis is an unpleasant, painful disease of the genitourinary system.

More than a quarter of women at least once in my life endured it. 10% suffer from the chronic form of the disease. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

What is cystitis
Cystitis is the inflammation of the lining of the bladder. This significantly disrupted its function.

The symptoms of cystitis
Especially strongly it manifests itself, acute form of the disease. When inflammation of the patients complain of a frequent urge to urinate.

The feeling that it was time to retire to the restroom, do not leave the patient practically for a minute. The trips to the toilet do not bring anything but disappointment: when urinating – severe cramps, while the urine is scanty or non-existent, it might be blood. Sore lower abdomen, the temperature jumps above 37 – 37,5.

Owner of chronic cystitis may not feel it during the period of remission. Exacerbation occur in autumn and winter.

Why could appear cystitis
Generally cystitis can happen for both women and men. However, because of the peculiarities of the urethra men are almost not affected by the disease. Short canal in the female body becomes an easy target for infection.

The most common causes of inflammation of the mucosa of the bladder:

Infection. Their getting into the urethra helps close finding the urethra, genitals and anus. Any violation of hygiene can lead to cystitis. The most common infectious agent is Escherichia coli. Because of her disease develops in 80% case.

Inflammation and diseases of the female reproductive system. Cystitis may be accompanied by vaginosis, thrush, WFP.

There are cases of occurrence of cystitis during pregnancy. This is due to changes in the microflora of the genitourinary system and hormonal adjustment of the organism.

Additional risk factors are renal disease, pielonephrit, diabetes, and malignant tumors. As well as the total decrease immunity. Even the common cold, to weaken the strength of the immune system, can cause cystitis.

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