To provide a person diet without meat is difficult.
To eat meat or not is a personal decision.
Some people prefer strict vegetarianism and do not tolerate even the thought about how to eat fresh steak, others with pleasure and regularly consume the meat for food. However, if you choose the meat, at least not the harmful! Guess what?
Worse meat than pork simply does not exist. In comparison, beef, lamb, poultry, venison, rabbit meat is more environmentally friendly and useful varieties.
Alas, juicy, and greatly beloved pork is the source of many diseases. If you want to live to a ripe old age in good health, it is better to exclude it completely from the diet.
Pork contains toxic components: fat, mucus, histamine, dangerous hormones, substances which undergo putrefaction in the intestine.
That’s at least 8 arguments to abandon pork: Pork contains growth hormone that causes disruptions in the coordinated work of the human body. Under the influence of alien hormone occur pathological processes: obesity, growth of benign and malignant tumors. Pork contains histamine causing Allergy irritant. Appendicitis, development of boils and cholecystitis, dermatitis, eczema — the effects of histamine on the body. Pig’s blood is rich with carcinogenic agents, a specific red blood cells acting as markers for cancer. The flu virus is very common in the sausage, getting into the product from the lungs of the animal. Frequent consumption of pork leads to increased flu!
Pork — the fatty meats, it promotes obesity, especially if there is pork in a stressful condition. Pork is very toxic, it contains dangerous carcinogens and is not inferior to his harmfulness of alcohol and tobacco. Any idea on the Carcinogenicity of pig hormones. Human flesh and pig meat is very similar in structure, there are a number of anatomical and biochemical parameters similar in humans and pigs. But the little pig muscles and bones, but a lot of fat and connective tissue. Pigs often get sick, and you can never be sure fully, the meat of a sick or healthy animal you eat. The constant poisoning toxins in pork meat, causes heart problems and may cause a stroke. In humans who consume pork, formed a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
All disease is the mobilization of protective forces against the toxins, or damage resulting from the ingestion of toxins. Many people think pork is surprisingly delicious meat, but it is only food habit that can be changed. If a child learning to eat right, then you can avoid serious health problems.
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