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Waiting Buzova: in what direction will the politician Sergei Shnurov

В ожидании Бузовой: в какую сторону пойдет политик Сергей Шнуров

“Talented people are talented in everything” is formulaic cliche is a myth and common talented people. However, the liveliness and briskness of mind, gab, charisma, conquered stage fright and considerable social capital in the form of recognition does not make a character out of show business a successful politician.

Foreign examples prove the opposite, such as Ronald Reagan (the U.S. President), Arnold Schwarzenegger (now Governor of California), Vladimir Zelensky (became President of Ukraine) in the Russian reality for a role model of building a political career do not pull in any way.

Why? The answer is obvious on an endless number of reasons, but we will limit ourselves to two enough: 1) over the past hundred years Russian history has never been a period of relative social stability (we have the war, the repression, but stalemate with a race of weapons, the collapse of empires), to have public consensus on access to real power harmless buffoons; 2) arch-typical jester with the king in Russia for example, but the king-jester – deleted. The Lord (Supreme and local) should be rigid, preferably a military man, strict but fair. In General, a kind of Ugryum-Burcheev, but please, a little more humane. And to have disputes resolved according to conscience.

Comedian Mikhail Yevdokimov, who became Governor of the Altai territory in 2004 as a result of elections, not by appointment of the Kremlin, died in 2005. Could he break the domestic archetype and become a “Russian Reagan”, we’ll never know.


The widely discussed hike in the policy breakout singer-foul-mouthed Sergei Shnurov (he became a member of the Pro-government “Party of Growth”, and now actively rumors that this recruitment initiative came from the presidential Administration) can be estimated in two different ways.

First, Shnurov is another huge success. His social capital will be even greater (“steeper”), and he, being a talented businessman, will be able to monetize capital. I do this no doubt. Moreover, this success is not only financial but also reputational. If earlier the Cords in a drunken stupor was running naked around the stage and at least she was honest outcast, and now his image has changed radically. Glasses, neat unshaven, white veneers, tailored suits and serious face. Of course, it’s only an image. Because Cords can only pretend to be an intellectual at a safe distance, but to be “in nature” is not able (to doubt the truth of this thesis can find his interview in the programme Posner). However, the era of total social networks come and simulacra reflected in the screens of smartphones. Smart view? So – smart. On Potocki posted on instagram, standing surrounded by a solid sovereign uncles? So congratulations: you fit into the establishment. Respect to you, bro (funny detail: as reported by the oppositionist Alexei Navalny, the Cords removed from their accounts all their “sharp” political poetry in the last year; this is the question of respectability).

Secondly, the involvement of his party to the construction project and purely election propaganda. It is obvious that the Cords will be the party greeter to the polls for the Duma elections in 2021 – no more (but also no less, because the turnout is important). It is unlikely that his professional career really attracts people’s choice. Click on the button voting and dull, and sluggish content. Millions of views on YouTube will not. Profit is not the same. Yes, and popularity can be diminished, because the tour will not often. And chipout on the podium of the Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky won’t allow it. A Holy place is busy for a long time.

We know several examples where popular workers of show business almost dry burned your and public time in Parliament: serial star Maria Kozhevnikova, composer and singer Alexander Rosenbaum, singer Iosif Kobzon (now deceased) and many others. What they remembered as MPs? Nothing. To find any significant traces of their legislative activities, it is necessary to repeatedly confuse the search string “Yandex” or Google. Note that the popular composer and singer Yuri Loza in an interview with “NOR” condemned the vicious practice of walking characters of show business in politics.

To assess the electoral group, which will Spud Sergei Shnurov, “Novye Izvestiya” asked political analyst Sergei Markov:

“Voter “Party of Growth” a little suitable indicators Shnurova. It’s cities, people of European-oriented, but at the same time Russian. Those who are called “office plankton”. There is no contradiction. But the “Party of Growth” involves a very rational approach. And the Cord is very antirationalistic approach, which can be a contradiction. The apparent contradiction that could undermine this project I do not see. But obvious code to success I don’t see as well. Necessary to articulate a political message. Admirers of his need to understand why they need to not only listen to his songs in their cars, but to vote for him and his party at the polling station.

Today, I think the political message of the Cord is more suitable Zhirinovsky: “all Went on…”. And the message of the “Party of Growth”: “For all”. How do they get out of this contradiction? I don’t really understand.

To succeed will play the role of not the awareness and popularity of Cord. It is necessary to formulate ‘ electoral message. Just the presence of a media person in the party list a little that adds. If isn’t clear the reason why fans and fans of the group “Leningrad” has to support the political ambitions of its leader, the popularity won’t work.”

Agree that the ideological message from Shnurov yet. What are his political views? Left? Right? The liberal-conservative? Great mystery.

We emphasize again that the minus Sergey Shnurov will not remain at any election scenarios “Party of Growth”. His popularity will only increase. Ksenia Sobchak, for example, having been in the role of candidate the presidency, increased its social capital is very significant. As Sergey Shnurov on the subject will obviously not stupid.

While it remains unanswered the following question: which party will call Olga Buzova? Media market Haimovich likes it, perhaps, the only one who can compete with Shnurova. She also sotssetey heavyweight.

But no, there are Yuri Dude. But soon Dude, unlike Shnurov and Buzova really drawn to the role of opinion leader. And pulls very well.

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