Last weekend on the show “Minute of fame” was another scandal. This time the reason for discussion was the performance of a professional dancer Yevgeny Smirnov, who lost his leg after a car accident. Dancing duet of Eugene and Alena Shineway touched the audience, but some members of the jury, alas, was not amused.
The frame of the program “Minute of fame”
Renata Litvinova named Eugene “man-amputee” and suggested the dancer to fasten the second leg, “that was not so obvious.” Vladimir Pozner was more reserved in judgment and called the speech of the dancer as a “prohibited method”.
The frame of the program “Minute of fame”
The audience was dissatisfied with the response Litvinova and Posner and pounced on them with criticism. Vladimir Pozner decided to explain his words. In his Instagram, the TV presenter shared an interview about the show “Minute of fame” and said that the audience’s reaction was expected.
Posner spoke about the participation of the disabled in contests: “people with Disabilities can and should if you want to participate in any of the contests — the creative, sports and others — and it is only on a General basis, i.e. on equal terms with everyone else. If the disabled person is able to win due to his skill and talent in this contest — flag in his hands! But to participate in the secret hope that his physical problems will help him win, meaning they would be considered jury — no, I’m against.”
The frame of the program “Minute of fame”
Further, the broadcaster, contradicting himself, stated that people with disabilities are “clearly weaker”: “the Paralympics only for people with certain physical and mental problems! And no one suggests that this infringement of the rights of these people. Let’s not be hypocrites: people with disabilities are unable to compete with those who have these problems not when we are talking about physical strength, dexterity, speed. They can sing, draw, play musical instruments, so much more, but requiring physical effort (sports, dancing), they are obviously weaker”.
Vladimir Pozner said that he had not changed his point of view: “All that has been said, it is written in the most General sense. Integration of disabled people into society is quite another. It’s a public transport adapted for wheelchairs, it wheelchair ramps, large elevators in apartment houses, it is relevant public toilets, is the engagement of children with down syndrome in regular schools, it is the congresses at each and every corner of the city. The question is not to engage in excessive competition”.
Recall, for the dancer stood up producer Maxim Fadeev, who was startled by the sharp comments of Posner and Litvinova. “After the number Genis Posner suggested that his statement is speculation that pity out of people. Do I understand correctly that Mr. Posner is against the participation of people with any form of disability in any TV shows? Access them there needs to be closed as a leper? And if none of them? But on the same First channel audience proved their tolerance by voting for the party of the third season of the show “the Voice. Children”, — said the producer in his column for the portal
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