Over the weekend Victoria Bonia confirmed the rumors about parting with the civil husband Alex Servicom. No doubt, the couple really broke up: the Network has already appeared a photo of the businessman on which he is kissing a stranger.
Victoria recently said that, despite the gap, she and Alex still managed to maintain a great relationship. However, immediately after the announcement of the break with the civil husband Bonia left Monaco and flew to Spain with a friend.
Victoria shares photos from the trip and commented: “Now, perhaps, the most wonderful time in Marbella. No people, warm, beautiful and quiet.” The fans decided to support Boni in this difficult time for her and wrote her words of support: “is it Right to sit and cry or something”, “What a beauty! You will find a husband better!”, “I think Bonia is a man like us, with feelings, emotions, think, hurt her, but she learned not to let pain take over her up and turns failures into springboards for takeoff” (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Approx. ed.).
In one of the recent posts of Victoria shared with subscribers that will return to Monaco after a brief trip to Spain.
We will remind, Vika told me that she and Alex decided to leave six months ago: “Today we have a great relationship, we talk on the phone every day, share experiences, spend time with the child. We remain close to each other people, because we are bound by our beautiful daughter — our General happiness and many warm memories. It so happened that our relationship turned into friendship, we really love each other, but slightly different.”
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