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Vehicle tax-2017: what will happen to the Ukrainian motorists

Транспортный налог-2017: что ждет украинских автомобилистовChanges in legislation are mainly related to the customs value of vehicles and taxation.

Changes in the Tax code entered into force on 1 January this year. They did not pass and owners of transport. If implemented buses or trucks – the tax levy will be 5% of the cost of a 1.5% military duty.

If you decide to sell the car – all the proceeds will go in your pocket. However, after the implementation of the second – will have to contribute to the budget.

Tax collectors have now become employees of the service center of the Ministry of interior. Now it’s also part of their job. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

In order to set the value of the car, and subsequently the tax, the service center will examination.

In addition, make sure looking for damage. And the outside and under the hood.

Also, it remains in force and the import duty on the car in the amount of 10% of the cost. And “luxury tax”. Remember, the owners whose cars are not older than 5 years and which cost over a million two hundred thousand, have to pay an annual tax of 25 thousand UAH. Therefore, to “ride with the wind”, will have to pay a lot.

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