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Unusual houses with an area of only 8.5 square meters. Photo

Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. ФотоModular homes Homes for Hope can completely solve the problem of urban homelessness.

Authorities in Los Angeles are seriously worried about the growing number of homeless in the city. The problem has aggravated so much that every day 50 thousand people permanently sleeping under the open sky. The solution to this problem was proposed by the students of American universities. Their project will allow you to build the optimal housing intended for vagrants and other persons without a roof over your head.

Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото

11 students under the guidance of teachers of the University of southern California developed the project Homes for Hope (“hope House”), which will help (as expected) completely solve the problem of those who have no roof over your head. The working group has designed a modular portable house for one person. Its installation takes very little time. Already built the first prototype that is being tested.

Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото

The final version resembles a cross between a tiny house and Dorm room. From a distance the house looks pretty good, although the design has not been set in the forefront.

House is mobile and on wheels. The floor level is two feet above the ground, allowing you to put it anywhere, even on uneven surfaces. The living area is only 8.5 square meters, but one wall is made convex to the outside, increasing the internal volume of the room.

Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото
Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото

Inside the Home for Hope looks tolerably well. There is enough space for bed, Desk, chair and shelves. Two Windows let in plenty of natural light and air.

Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото

The modular layout means that these houses-the blocks can be combined. Joining, they become a real hostel. Some units may be equipped such as washrooms, canteens, micro-offices.

Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото
Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото

The houses are very simple in design. Build a two-storey 30-person residential complex with a private courtyard is just two weeks. These dormitories can be built on abandoned Parking lots, vacant sites. And since the whole complex is collapsible, that residential units easily moved to another location.

Необычные домики площадью всего 8,5 квадратных метров. Фото

Currently, the price of a house Home for Hope is $25,000. This includes the cost of materials, furniture and payment of labor expended. According to the architects of the 30-seat complex for Los Angeles will cost slightly less than $ 1 million.

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