The service is also working to create a system of safe search
The microblogging service Twitter is expanding a campaign against the incitement of hatred and aggression in the social network.
Twitter will establish the identity of the users whose accounts were blocked for abusive behavior. This is done to ensure that they could not create new accounts, that is would be forever cut off from Twitter.
The company also Twitter said it was working on creating a system of so-called “safe search”, which will exclude tweets with potentially sensitive content. Tweets with potentially offensive content will not be deleted, however, the system will exclude them from search results for a particular query.
Twitter is also working on an exception to the search potentially offensive and “bad quality” of the discussions that have little to do with the theme. These discussions will not be deleted, but will be less visible to users.
We will remind, in may of last year, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft have signed the code against aggression, hate and xenophobia on the Internet to remove extremist content from all the resources mentioned during the day.
Agreed by the companies code also requires the ability to block accounts, which were published posts with extremist content.
Under the code, each company must form a special group, the monitoring of potentially problematic content.
In December last year, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube agreed on a scheme of cooperation in order to stop the spread of extremist images and videos through their sites.
The company announced that they plan to create a unified database that will contain the “virtual fingerprints” all content. Using this database they intend to monitor the downloads of the content on the sites, and in the case of extremist materials, remove them from their sites before they begin to spread massively.
Twitter said at the time that services provided by the company, “there is no space for content which promotes terrorism.”
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