Tuck commented “nationalization” of the fighters of the Ukrainian enterprises in the Donbas.
With a lot of “effort” to get rid of the sanctions, the Russian Federation is looking for a new one.
About this on his page in Facebook wrote the Deputy Minister of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine Georgy Tuka.
He commented on the “nationalization” by terrorists of the Ukrainian enterprises in the Donbas.
“In the case of “nationalization” of enterprises, which was “officially declared” mouthpieces Russia Zakharchenko and Carpentry, the Pro-Russian forces get the big hit “in the stomach”, because in the European community the right of ownership is one of the fundamental shrines. In this case, Russia could face tougher sanctions!” – posted by Tuk.
“Russia is making enormous efforts to get rid of international sanctions. Here, propaganda, and funding Pro-Russian political parties and public organizations in Europe and the bribing of politicians and economic pressure, and the use of the armed forces (Syria)”, he added.
Tuck also recalled article 1 (“Protection of property”) of the Protocol to the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
See also:
“Every natural or legal person is entitled to respect for their property. No one may be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the General principles of international law,” wrote Tuck.
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