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Tricks used by fast food employees. Photo

Хитрости, используемые работниками фастфуда. Фото Fast food is firmly established in our lives, and resist his temptation, not everyone can.

We Sobral 12 techniques that safely use fast food restaurants to first draw us to yourself, and then sell as much as possible.
1. All the dishes have the same taste

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Have you noticed that fast food meals have almost the same taste? And all because they know that people like food with different flavors: salty, sweet, spicy. Food from fast food calibrated to meet all these needs at once.
2. The burgers are cooked instantly

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To prepare the simplest Burger in large networks takes only 30 seconds. The reason is deep freeze, which exposed the meat before you get to the restaurant kitchen.
3. They are designed to be eaten quickly

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Another trick that compels us to eat in fast food restaurants more: food that they serve, does not require long chewing. According to research, overweight people make an average of 12 chewing movements before swallowing the food, while skinny — about 15. The less we chew food, the less satisfied and ultimately eat more.
4. Colors around you awaken your appetite

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Red and yellow are often used in the field of fast food not just. They go perfectly and cause a subconscious desire to stop and eat. Some even call this fact “theory of ketchup and mustard” color which subconsciously pushing us to spontaneous or excessive meals.
5. The main goal is to sell you more

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Scientists have found that it is much harder to give up something when you offer it directly. 85% of people bought more than they wanted when staff restaurants offer take for ordering something else. In restaurants the staff never uses the particle “not” when communicating at the checkout, so the most common language that they use is: “Try?”, “Will?” or”?”.
6. The average Cola is a great Cola

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An easy way to improve beverage sales is to increase the volume of each portion and to expand their entire product line, adding “superballs” and “extra large” portions. People subconsciously stop the choice on the middle of the proposed, but thanks to this trick, the average turns out great.

Besides, if you do not specify the serving size, the cashier will by default break the most expensive items, for instance a large fries and a large coffee.
7. The meat from the fire is an illusion

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The grill marks on the meat patties make the burgers, of course, more attractive. Only nothing to do with the grill they are not: they are created at the factory before freezing. But added flavors smoke is a complete illusion meat straight from the fire.
8. Salads are not so harmless

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In the menu of many fast-food restaurants in recent years there have been salads as an option a healthy diet. But due to their composition they are the same or even more calories than standard meals. On top of the lettuce sometimes treated with propylene glycol (a food additive E1520), to prevent them from wilting. This Supplement is recognized as safe, but 100% natural of these products it is not. In addition, if the authenticity of meat and vegetables in General, there is no doubt, on the composition of sauces one can only guess about it do not know most of the staff.
9. Coffee that you not cheer

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A number of institutions with a low price tag coffee into the foam and not paper cups. The problem is that Styrofoam contains styrene — a chemical component that can occur during interaction with the hot liquid. It affects the nervous system and can cause depression and loss of concentration. So it is necessary to give preference to coffee in paper cups.
10. Eggs in fast food — not just eggs

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Eggs which are offered as Breakfast or additions to the main courses in the field of fast food, actually contain eggs and “premium egg blend”, which includes glycerin, dimethylpolysiloxane (form of silicone) and E552 food additive (calcium silicate). It is better to spend a couple of minutes and cook the eggs at home.
11. Cola differs from the one in the bottle

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Many have noticed that the sodas in the same McDonald’s somehow tastier than those we buy bottled. Actually they taste almost the same. But his role could be played by the fact that the firm concentrates are mixed with water and gazerwitz directly in the restaurant, which makes them more “fresh”.

12. Do not take away food

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If you’ve decided to opt for fries or a Burger, you should not take ordering to take away. Most meals at fast food chains very short life span. For example, French fries stays fresh only for 5 minutes, and then begins to lose its taste. Burger in a hot as “live” a little longer, but the ride home won’t make it.

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