Friday , February 7 2025
Home / FUNNY NEWS / Tourists noticed a white UFO mysteriously hangs over the reserve

Tourists noticed a white UFO mysteriously hangs over the reserve

Туристы заметили белый НЛО, таинственно зависающий над заповедником On YouTube posted a video with a large UFO which was filmed by witnesses in the reserve Sundaran.

International media reported the incident on Saturday, 4 Feb. Meanwhile, the video, which depicted a UFO, is gaining more and more views..

The video can be considered great long ship was white. However, the shape of the UFO a few blurred. And when you increase because of not very good quality recording of the ship to consider in detail will fail.

On a five-minute clip, which was published tourists in YouTube, you can see that the ship that hangs over the reserve, then abruptly moved. Then at some point he disappears. It should be noted that this is one of the longest video of the flight of the UFO.

Reserve Sundaran located in the southern part of Bangladesh. That this reserve is visited by aliens, the witnesses said previously. About three months ago, the network appeared the information that the alien ship flying over the reserve. But since this flight was very short, then many witnesses have decided that it is only a thought.

Reserve Sundarban is one of the largest in Bangladesh. Its territory is a huge mangrove forest. It is home to many rare animals, including tigers, deer and various birds.

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